Let's Fool Around Sexy Dice Game

Let's Fool Around Sexy Dice Game

Build the sexual tension by rolling the coloured dice in the Let's Fool Around Sexy Dice Game and carry out the foreplay actions. Enjoy 2 or 3 turns each as you give and receive pleasure. When you have fooled around enough, roll the silver die to decide on a sexy position to kick off your main event.

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Shut the door, take the phone off the hook and settle in for an erotic game of Let's Fool Around Sexy Dice Game with your partner. Let chance and the roll of the dice decide your sexy fate. Carry out the combination of actions suggested by the 4 dice. Great for foreplay, roll the coloured dice 2 or 3 times each. Don't peak too soon though, because these are just to get you warmed up and in the mood. When you can stand the fooling around no more, roll the silver sex position die. Begin your sex session in that position, but it doesn't say anywhere in the rules that you can't roll it again, and again, and again

Let-'s Fool Around Sexy Dice Game is perfect for packing for naughty weekends away. Enjoy giving and receiving pleasure with every roll and it will soon become clear that there are no losers in this game.

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